Yesterday I merged a big software update to the Zakhar’s Raspberry Pi Unit – brain_service. The update brings a service providing the robot’s status (network, OS status) and access to the CAN bus for many simultaneously connected clients. Also, the service…
Category: Zakhar – parent of all my robotic projects
Brain Software Architecture
Before updating Alive OS to support qCAN (my CANbus-based protocol) I have the last thing to do. To simplify my live in future I need a CAN publisher that can publish messages to many subscribers. My main subscriber of course is AliveOS…
Sensor Unit with qCAN Support is Merged!
Updated code for the Sensor Unit with qCAN support is merged and documented! Error happened.
The Wheeled Platform with CAN support is merged!
A new step in Zakhar’s global transition to CAN bus is done! n n The unit consists of: It can be controlled via CANbus, Serial and Bluetooth. The documentation page is available here: Error happened.
New Zakhar Face Module
The new Unit is based on the ESP-Wrover-Kit and uses a TJA1050 module for CANbus communication. It is compatible with the qCAN protocol (described on the Zakhar main page) and can show 5 facial expressions: Anger (0x32), Sadness (0x34), Pleasure…
CAN Bus and a New Simple Protocol
Not Only Two Wires It’s been more than two years already since I started working on my robot Zakhar. The Zakhar 1 was built out of Lego and relied on I2C communication between modules. It was a nightmare because as…
Zakhar II: Separately controllable DC motor speed
Links: Error happened.
"On the way to AliveOS" or "making of a robot with emotions is harder than I thought"
So, indeed, the more I develop the software for Zakhar, the more complicated it goes. So, first: Contributions and collaborations are welcome! If you want to participate, write to me and we will find what you can do in the…
EmotionCore – 1.0.0
First release! This library aims to implement an emotion model that could be used by other applications implementing behavior modifications (emotions) based on changing input data. The Core has sets of parameters, states, and descriptors: Parameters define the state of the core. Each state has a unique…
Updated draft of the ROS-node network with the Emotional Core
Working on the Emotion Core update it became clear to me that placing responsibility of emotional analysis to Ego-like nodes (a Consciousness, Reflexes, and Instincts) is a wrong approach. It leads to the situation where the developer of the application should specify…