Hi! I merged a huge update for zakharos_core – the main part of the Zakhar project. The repository is a Robot Operating System network where the main application consists of ego-like nodes: the consciousness (the main application) and instincts (interruptions). Each of them operates…
Hardware structure
Just added illustrations describing the hardware used in the project to the repository: https://github.com/an-dr/zakhar/tree/ec7c4e69af0f5b44aa3dde2fd7766416ac783668 Here are the pictures: And detailed for each device: Error happened.
First test of the second instinct for Zakhar
Testing of the mind of Zakhar with two “instincts”: Error happened.
New test site!
Just finished a new site for tests and demonstrations! New place, new hardware, more updates soon! Error happened.
Three Ultrasound Sensors
Unfortunately, I broke my ultrasound sensor during resoldering of connectors. Taking advantage of necessity of buying something, I’ve bought three new ones! Updated code with a new ultrasound sensor driver: https://github.com/an-dr/zakhar_sensors/tree/c4e7a5e5c91acbbc1efdaaa4122e46428793c973 Error happened.
Sensor Platform with STM32
Done! Now, sensor data is collected by a powerful STM32 MCU with FreeRTOS. This will help to add even more sensors. For now, there are two: Here is a video of the update in action: Links: Photos bellow. Error happened.
Calm prototyping evening
It’s a good night to move the sensor platform to a new MCU and add some sensors to demonstrate working of the emotional core (roadmap). PR for the update (WIP): https://github.com/an-dr/zakhar_sensors/pull/4 Error happened.
Emotional Core: temp impacts + refactoring
Just finished a huge update for the Core. The new feature is “temporary impacts”. It simulates a situation, that you can get watching a screamer (Caution! ). Something scarry is happening, you are getting a lot of adrenaline and cortisol, after 5…
Emotional Core: in details
Now after some polishing of the basic emotional core I can tell about how it works and about it’s structure. Emotional core consists of three main parts (see the picture bellow): Or more detailed: When you write the data, the…
The Emotional Core Test (attention: pretty boring!)
Testing the new Emotional Core for the R.Giskard project Error happened.