Just finished a huge update for the Core. The new feature is “temporary impacts”. It simulates a situation, that you can get watching a screamer (Caution! ). Something scarry is happening, you are getting a lot of adrenaline and cortisol, after 5…
Tag: my projects
Emotional Core: in details
Now after some polishing of the basic emotional core I can tell about how it works and about it’s structure. Emotional core consists of three main parts (see the picture bellow): Or more detailed: When you write the data, the…
The Emotional Core Test (attention: pretty boring!)
Testing the new Emotional Core for the R.Giskard project Error happened.
Emotional Core Sketch
Well, the third milestone is in progress. It’s time for the most interesting part of the project – emotions and reflexes. Now, let’s talk about emotions, but in short. In my view and my understanding of what should be going on…
Zakhar Milestone: Zakharos
Changelog since the Reptile Demo Milestone: Common: Sensor platform: Computing (brain) platform: Moving platform: Repository: https://github.com/an-dr/zakhar Error happened.
Startup check
The startup system check is shown on an OLED display. The display has its separate i2c bus (I2C-3) to communicate with the Raspberry. The startup process is the following: Gif of the process: Code of the startup check process: https://github.com/an-dr/zakhar_service/tree/feature/display_n_startup/display…
Error happened.
[Bad Idea, canceled] Power post. Part one.
There are a lot of issues when you connect low- and high-current devices to the same electrical circuit. Basically, you are getting: That’s really annoying that’s why I spend last several weeks thinking how to implement power supply for Zakhar.…
Turns: -45, +45, -90, +90 degrees
Updated code here: https://github.com/an-dr/zakhar_platform/pull/2 Error happened.
Assembled with the new moving platform! Turn 90 degree
From the Raspberry, the moving platform gets an argument 0x5a (90) degrees, then a command to turn right. If the argument is 0x00 command is executing during 100ms then the platform stops. Error happened.